Semi firm goat wheel covered in flowers and herbs.
A gorgeous 1 lb semi-hard wheel covered in beautiful flowers and herbs- the perfect Summer cheese- even if it’s not quite Summer. The paste is mild and buttery flavor while the herbs and flowers on the outside makes for an incredibly aromatic palate reminiscent of walking through a grassy field of flowers and lavender
This fun log of goat’s milk will leave your mouth bright and happy
Tom & Nancy Clark were game changers in the American sheep’s milk cheese industry blazing the trail for so many other awesome farms and starting the trend of amazing sheep’s milk cheeses in the United States
incredibly bright and acidic- so much so that you can’t help but smile. the paste is tangy and fruity with notes of apricots and grass
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ashed rind loaves of creamy goodness
Beautiful hand ladled loaves have incredible longevity-changing from bright and young to robust, savory, and creamy over their 2 month post ageing lives. The fluffy and lactic paste is surprisingly mushroomy and savory with bright acid and a clean finish
the namesake of Capriole Farm is this soft and pretty wheel covered in flower petals, herbs, and fennel pollen
Stunning 1/3 lb wheels of fresh goaty deliciousness that are the definition of eating first with our eyes. Feast away on the delicate, tart, and lactic with its fine and airy texture and flavors of fresh grass, herbs, and flowers. The rind is covered in fresh flower petals, herbs, and fennel pollen.
Salty, nutty, and granular, this Italian styled goat’s milk is a groundbreaker for Boxcarr
A groundbreaker for Boxcarr Handmade Cheese, Winsome is the farm’s first entry into aged goat’s milk. Utilizing the milk from their very own herd, this wheel edges towards a very Italian style. They have notes of roasted almonds, wet stone, and crème fraiche with a dry grana style texture.