Bringing new cheeses on board- Fool's Gold

I love when I get to try a cheese and think- yikes! Why don’t I have this in stock yet! I felt that way when I tried Fools’ Gold from Prodigal Farm a few weeks ago. It is supple, enticing, and truly delectable. The wheels are simply adorable- 1.5 lb little loaves of washed rind goodness. I can’t help but smile with I see them.

Among my favorite times is when I receive boxes of cheese from farms and get to try to newest batch of each cheese. The first batch of Fool’s Gold brought on did not disappoint. When I unpacked the box (lovingly packed by Kat Spann herself), I chuckled when I saw all the little loaves in the bottom supporting the other cheeses in the delivery- I had to take a photo.

Get yourself some Fool’s Gold at home before it’s all gone (or before I eat it all). Yum.